Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ultimate Escapism

Every season I have some favorite TV shows that allow me to disappear literally into the television set. If this is escapism, then I am guilty.

The fall brought Biggest Loser with all the drama of the big girls talking smack and picking on Phil. It was great fun as the intrigue played out and the two bad girls ended up not winning the $250,000. I even consulted the message boards for further fun and found that I was not alone in my contempt of the contestants as the words fat, bitch and psycho were common threads.

The winter brought the Bachelor even though I swore I would not watch it. My oldest son warned me that Jason Mesnick was a fool who was using his kid to get girls. I believe you now, son and I am sorry I even got involved in that! I did like Melissa and ABC paid her back for all her troubles by giving her a spot on Dancing with the Stars. I read somewhere that Jason Mesnick was receiving death threats...some viewers obviously get carried away. I was just disgusted that a grown man could act so childishly...and what was with the tears??

Lost came back and not too soon I might add. I was a late comer to the show and my son gave me the first three seasons to watch to "catch-up." I was intrigued by the plot and the twists and found myself watching the entire season in one day . It is sad but true. I consult the message boards on this show because they tend to explain things which I find very complex and confusing.I also call my oldest during the broadcast if something bizarre is happening. The story seems to follow parts of the Bible with names like Aaron and Ben and Jacob who are primary names in the show. Fascinating. My favorite characters are Sawyer aka LaFleur, Hurley, and Ben. One more season to go before the plug is pulled on this great show.

I have been a fan of Dancing with the Stars forever. The fans this season have allowed the computer geek, Steve O from Jackass and Lil Kim to stay on too long. The computer geek had judges' scores of 10 last week!!! Time to go. Julianne Hough and her bf are nauseating , Holly Madison looks so stiff, and Denise Richard couldn't buy a smile. Melissa is born to dance, the guy from Sex and the City movie can really cut some rug and the little gymnast is adorable and graceful. I hear there was a stalker with a gun watching her....more drama.

So this is better escape than drinking yourself under the table with absolutley no side effects!! However, there is a chance you may become addicted .


  1. I love DWTS---I want Gilles to win, but I like Melissa and the little gymnast as well. I catch a few minutes of American Idol (I'll watch the last couple of shows). My latest addition is Castle, which is on after DWTS. Witty.

  2. wow dwts was great last night. gilles was awesone!! melissa was great and ty the cowboy really surprised me.
