Friday, May 22, 2009

The Spring Finales Lead into Ho Hum Summer Viewing

I never claimed to hold high standards for myself. The last time I mentioned that I watch one soap daily the table of people I was just introduced to raised their collective eyebrows at me. Sorry. I have satellite and hundreds of channels, I am not one of those people who claims not to have cable.....and 3 channels. Good luck with digital TV folks.

I mentioned ( a few blogs ago) my weekly TV shows that I am addicted to. Well, Grey's Anatomy managed to baffle us all by having George dragged by a bus and unrecognizable in the emergency room at the end of the episode. Izzie who is clinging to life after brain surgery and George meet in an elevator in the last scene....last stop Heaven. The cliffhanger involves who is really dead or shall I say are they both?

The Lostees were last seen trying to explode the hydrogen bomb on the Island. Juliet was sucked into a shaft with the bomb and attempted to detonate it....white screen at the end of finale. Was there an explosion or did all the strandees time travel back to 2009? We won't have clarity on that for 7 monthes.

Dancing with the Stars was very entertaining this season. Although I wanted Melissa to win, I wasn't surprised as she was voted off during the final show. That Shawn won the whole thing was huge to me. I never considered her a serious contender for the mirror ball trophy!! LOL

And just ask me about the goings on in Pine Valley on All My Children. The mogul Adam Chandler was thought to be dead, but his twin took the bullet.Crazy Annie is back and last seen kidnapping her daughter. Kendall and Zach's son was pronounced dead at the hospital and revived but wait...K and Z still thought Ian had passed away and were last seen headed for the Chandler mansion with guns to get some pay back from Adam. What a week!!!

Now for the summer season....I promised myself I will not watch that Japanese remake of people jumping over obstacles in water. The foreign version was awful and I am sure the American one sucks too. On the do not watch list is Jon and Kate plus 8....too much drama and tension. Also Big Brother will not be followed . The Goodes or the Goode Family appears to be horrible also...too many references to gays, minorities etc. NOT FUNNY.

I see that Curb Your Enthusiasm will be back !!! Yay!!! Larry David is always great. Other than that, it looks like I will be watching the Food Network for the next 3 monthes.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Relay for Life

I just returned home from our annual Relay for Life. We walked in the lap for Drew our youngest son's friend who died in December. At exactly 5:55 the lap began and there were so many familiar faces in our group.

Leading the masses were the college boys who played baseball with Drew in high school and who attended every relay year after year as Drew's Crew. This was the first year their friend was not with them physically, although we all know he made the walk tonight.

There was alot of hugging going on during the lap, alot of smiling and some tears. Parents, grandparents and kids.Three years ago this was a fraternity of sorts....the boys' senior year...the culmination of many years of being bleacher friends in baseball. The bond still exists. The friends still come out when needed. They were all present and accounted for in December to plan the food at the funeral home, the luncheon after, to attend the funeral and to go grave side. The 2006 baseball team served as pall bearers.

When these friends pull together it is a beautiful sight to behold. Isn't this the way it is supposed to be? I for one feel very lucky to be a part of this circle . I know that Drew and now Drew's memory has been the glue holding everyone so closely together. Maybe that was his destiny.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day is not just for biological moms

Bringing three healthy sons into the world years ago was a feat of sorts. I did all the usual responsibilities of potty training, teaching right from wrong,loving them unconditionally, spending long evenings overseeing homework, healing broken hearts and then sending them away to college. I did it all.

When I resumed my teaching career the women I taught beside taught me the true meaning of unselfishness.You see the majority of these women made the decision not to marry and not to have biological children of their own. They gave daily of themselves to the central city child who needed extra maternal love, discipline and stability. These ladies provided a safe and nurturing environment for hundreds of kids struggling with broken homes and parents with addiction problems. They gave lessons in conscience, friendship, consequences and of course the three r's.

Anyone can give birth to a child but it takes a special person to step up to the plate and mother children in their care year after year. In most cases there is no immediate pay thank you's. Sometimes if the teacher is lucky, the child visits yearly to show a great report card or an honor that was bestowed on him/her. Sometimes the effort is rewarded by a surprise visit years later by a boy or a girl wanting to just hug a favorite mentor. In most cases all the care and concern goes unheralded.

To all these extraordinary individuals....have a Happy Mother's Day!!! Without your daily dedication year after year, our urban children would not have the opportunities to flourish.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Kent State Massacre

The Kent State shootings are also known as the Kent State Massacre. Today is the 39th anniversary of this event....May 4th 1970. Four students were killed and nine others were wounded, one suffered permanent paralysis. They were shot by the Ohio National Guard.

Some of the students who were shot were protesting against the American invasion of Cambodia which President Richard Nixon directed. However, some of the wounded were just walking nearby or observing the protest from afar.

On May 4th 1970 I was a freshman at Bowling Green State University. In response to the shootings, BGSU closed as anti war sentiment was high. Rallies, and the seizing of the administration all occurred on May 5th 1970. The rallies were led by anti war activists who commanded huge audiences.

Nothing was ever the same after May 4th and 5th. Our feelings against the war became even more intense as events at various universities spun out of control. Returning Vietnam vets returned home to booing crowds,and draft card and flag burning. It was a great time to be alive but also an era of emotional turmoil.

As I left college and became a working adult, I met a variety of people. My first boss was a Vietnam veteran with a host of problems resulting from his tour. This was the first time I actually felt compassion for anyone in the armed forces because it had taken such a physical and mental toll on him. It was my ah ha moment.

I was left with this take on war. It was wrong for Washington to play political games with our armed force's lives. LBJ and Nixon knew we would inevitably lose this war but continued to deploy troops overseas . That was unforgivable.

On this 5th of May I will pray for the students who died 39 years ago and the ones who were wounded. Prayers will also be offered for our Vietnam vets who still struggle with their own personal battles after all this time. God bless us all.